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Fisheries in the Southern Ocean: an ecosystem approach




The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is bound by its Article II, 3 to follow an ecosystem approach to management. This approach has been extended to the application of a precautionary approach in the late 1980s. In our review, we deal primarily with the science-related aspects of CCAMLR and its development towards an ecosystem approach to the management of the living resources of the Southern Ocean. To assist the Commission in meeting its objectives, as set out in Article II, 3, the Scientific Committee established the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Programme to detect possible effects of krill fishing on the performance of top-level predators, such as albatrosses, penguins, petrels and fur seals. Fisheries in the Southern Ocean followed the fate of other fisheries worldwide in which target species were depleted to low level one after the other. Currently, two types of fisheries are open: the longline fisheries on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) and the trawl fisheries on mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari). Both fisheries are managed in a single-species context, however, with conservation measures in place to protect by-catch species, such as rattails (Macrouridae) and skates and rays (Rajidae). Two major problems still exist in fisheries in the Southern Ocean: the by-catch of birds in longline fisheries primarily in the Indian Ocean and the high level of IUU fishing again in the Indian Ocean. Both, the by-catch of birds and high IUU catches undermine the credibility of CCAMLR to safeguard the marine living resources in the Southern Ocean.
机译:保护南极海洋生物资源委员会(CCAMLR)受其第二条第3款约束,必须遵循生态系统方法进行管理。该方法已在1980年代后期扩展到预防方法的应用。在我们的审查中,我们主要处理与CCAMLR有关的科学方面的问题,以及CCAMLR向着生态系统方法发展以管理南大洋生物资源的发展。为了协助委员会实现第II条第3款中规定的目标,科学委员会建立了CCAMLR生态系统监测计划,以发现磷虾捕捞对信天翁,企鹅,海燕等顶级捕食者的行为可能产生的影响和海狗。南大洋的渔业跟随着世界其他渔业的命运,在这些渔业中,目标物种被逐一减少到低水平。目前,有两种类型的渔业开放:巴塔哥尼亚牙鱼(Dissostichus eleginoides)和南极牙鱼(Dissostichus mawsoni)的延绳钓渔业以及鲭鱼冰鱼(Champsocephalus gunnari)的拖网渔业。但是,这两种渔业都是在单一物种的情况下进行管理的,并采取了保护措施来保护副渔获物,例如尾纤(Macrouridae),滑冰和rays鱼(Rajidae)。南大洋渔业仍然存在两个主要问题:主要在印度洋的延绳钓渔业中的鸟类副渔获物和印度洋的IUU捕捞水平高。鸟类的副渔获物和高IUU渔获物都破坏了CCAMLR维护南大洋海洋生物资源的信誉。



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